Q: What are your shipping options and delivery times?
A: We offer both standard and expedited shipping options. Standard shipping usually takes X to Y business days, while expedited shipping delivers within X business days.
Q: How do I track my order?
A: Once your order is shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking link. You can use this link to monitor the status and location of your package.
Q: Do you offer free shipping?
A: Yes, we offer free standard shipping on orders over a certain amount. Keep an eye out for promotions and discounts on shipping costs.
Q: Can I change my shipping address after placing the order?
A: Please contact our customer support as soon as possible if you need to change your shipping address. We’ll do our best to accommodate your request before the order is shipped.
Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: Yes, we offer international shipping to bring our delicious coffee to customers around the world. International shipping times may vary based on location.
Q: How are shipping costs calculated for international orders?
A: Shipping costs for international orders are calculated based on the destination country and the weight of the package. You’ll see the exact shipping cost at checkout.
Q: What happens if my order is lost or delayed during shipping?
A: While rare, shipping delays or loss can occur. If your order doesn’t arrive within the estimated timeframe, please reach out to our customer support. We’ll investigate and work on a resolution.
Q: Do you offer package insurance?
A: Yes, we offer shipping insurance for an additional fee. This provides extra protection in case of any damage or loss during transit. You can add insurance during the checkout process.
Q: What if my package arrives damaged?
A: If your package arrives visibly damaged, please refuse the delivery and contact our customer support immediately. If you notice damage after accepting the delivery, take photos and contact us as soon as possible.
Q: Do you offer local pickup for customers in my area?
A: At the moment, we don’t offer local pickup. However, we provide reliable shipping options to get our coffee to you quickly and conveniently.
Q: Can I request a specific delivery date?
A: Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee specific delivery dates as they depend on the shipping carrier’s schedule. However, you can choose expedited shipping for faster delivery.
Q: What if I’m not home when my order is delivered?
A: If you’re not home during delivery, the carrier will usually leave a delivery notice or attempt redelivery. You might also be able to arrange a pickup from the local carrier facility.
Q: What’s your shipping packaging like?
A: If you’re not home during delivery, the carrier will usually leave a delivery notice or attempt redelivery. You might also be able to arrange a pickup from the local carrier facility.